In the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, I wanted to take a moment to address my friends, followers & students. I feel it is important to stay positive and stay connected with our communities while maintaining social distancing and following CDC guidelines.
At Point Positive CPR, we are taking as many precautions as we can in our courses and teaching practices to ensure everyone stays safe and healthy during this time of heightened concern.
- We are monitoring daily updates from the CDC. - At this time, we are only conducting single student courses for healthcare providers and those who need their certification for their job, and we encourage you to take the AHA online course and complete the Hands-on Skills Session with us to minimize contact time. - Manikins are cleaned and sanitized according to CDC and AHA protocols to ensure that all surfaces are virus-free. - Students receive their own manikin, one-way valve for face masks, and students use their own personal training face mask, so there is no sharing. - Handwashing is strictly enforced before any contact with staff, students, and training equipment. - The AHA has allowed a grace period of 60 days for any certifications that are expiring or have expired. Please contact us for more information on this. - We are rescheduling anyone who has symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, or is quarantined due to exposure. - After giving it much thought, our May WFA and BLS courses have been canceled. The risk to the safety of our students and staff is too great at this time to conduct a hands-on intensive course. We are also unsure if the April 30th date for social distancing will be extended further into May. Registrations will be refunded if students are unable to reschedule to our June course.
- June WFA and BLS courses are still scheduled but if there is any threat to the safety of our students, they will be canceled and rescheduled, and full refunds will be issued if needed.
I know this is such a strange time, with lots of uncertainty. Point Positive CPR is here to support our students, healthcare workers, and anyone who is on the front lines in this Pandemic.
Please WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN, and stay safe out there.